
Microdermabrasion Facial, Victoria B.C.

Microdermabrasion is a popular, safe, and non-invasive skin exfoliating treatment that leaves the skin looking fresher and more radiant as it removes the dull, dead skin from the surface while encouraging blood flow and oxygenation.
We use a diamond tip and suction to buff away dead skin cells, stimulate blood flow, and induce collagen formation. A single treatment provides exceptional exfoliation, which optimizes the absorption of skincare products and leaves your skin looking brighter, refreshed, and smoother. Even your makeup will look better!

Get Microdermabrasion, improve the look and feel of your skin, and see how much nicer your makeup sits.

Microdermabrasion Facial

Vitality Laser Clinic Process

Before Microdermabrasion Treatment

Before a skin evaluation, we discuss your skin care goals, expectations, skincare routine, and medical health history. Then, we thoroughly evaluate to determine if you are a good candidate for Microdermabrasion (most people are). Next, we develop a customized treatment plan, review the number of treatments and costs, and answer any questions before commencing.

During Microdermabrasion Treatment

We start with a double cleanse to remove any environmental toxins, sunscreen, makeup and debris from your skin and prepare and soften your skin for treatment. We typically make three passes with the wand, the first pass being a more aggressive grit and making our way to the finest grit for the third pass. The suction is adjusted depending on the quality of the skin and client comfort.

After Microdermabrasion Treatment
Depending on your skin type and concerns, we may offer a gentle chemical peel afterwards to help remove loosened skin from the procedure, enhance collagen production, and soften the skin to prepare it for extractions. We use a sterile extractor or lancette to remove congestion from the pores, such as milia and blackheads. Once extractions are complete:
  • We recleanse your skin with a hydrating cleanser, apply a cooling hydrating product, and perform a gentle massage to encourage lymph drainage.
  • We apply a cooling eye mask.
  • We apply a series of botanically based medical-grade serums and moisturizers explicitly chosen for your skin concerns before finishing with a mineral-based SPF to protect your skin.
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Before and After Microdermabrasion Treatment

Microdermabrasion Frequently Asked Questions

What does Microdermabrasion treat?

  • Acne
  • Age spots
  • Clogged and congested pores
  • Complexion dullness
  • Dry skin
  • Excessive oil
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Melasma
  • Sun spots
  • Scars
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

Who is and is not a candidate for Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a safe procedure that can be applied to most people with minimal risk, but it’s not recommended if you have:
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Lupus
  • Extremely sensitive skin
  • Thin skin
  • Susceptibility to broken capillaries
  • Open wounds
  • Susceptibility to cold sores
  • If you have taken Tretinoin or Accutane in the past six months

How many treatments will I need to see results?

The number of treatments required depends on your goals and skin condition.
One treatment per month is sufficient for most people for a nice exfoliation. Depending on the level of dullness and congestion, some may want two or three treatments to get the results you are looking for.

To decrease pigmentation, surface acne scars, or fine lines, most people will need between 6-12 treatments more frequently. If you are on an anti-acne regimen, then regular treatments are necessary.

It’s an excellent treatment before a night out or a special occasion! Pair it with our AFA Peel, and you’ll be glowing!

What body part can be treated with Microdermabrasion?

Most people request Microdermabrasion to rejuvenate the complexion of the face and neck, but we can perform the procedure on any part of the body. Results are most noticeable when treating an area that appears dull, congested, dry, and flaky.

Is there recovery time associated with Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is the perfect lunchtime exfoliating procedure, as there is little to no downtime afterwards. The skin is temporarily pink but typically recovers within 30 minutes to six hours.

Are there risks or side effects with Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a very safe procedure. Risks and side effects are minimal and uncommon. You may notice some skin sloughing or flakiness; this is actually a good thing and is short-lived.

Some people may notice mild skin swelling, redness, mild burning or stinging sensations, and bruising from the suction. These side effects aren’t widespread and are generally mild and short-lived. After the procedure, it is recommended that you use sun protection as you will have a temporary increased sensitivity to sunlight.

How often is Microdermabrasion required?

This depends on your skin and your goals. It is safe to have treatments as often as every other week; some can even tolerate weekly treatments. We can combine Microdermabrasion with alternating microneedling treatments or laser skin-enhancing treatments.

Is Microdermabrasion painful?

No, the procedure is not painful. You may feel some pulling/tugging from the suction. Most people describe it as a very relaxing treatment.