4204 Morris Drive Victoria, BC V8X 4G8
Laser Hair removal is one of those things most of us have to deal with in life—even if we don’t really want to.
However, during summer months, when beach holidays prove a welcome break from daily life, nobody wants to deal with a bikini faux pas (you know, the type we’re talking about).
Shaving’s fine – but it exposes you to potential cuts. Waxing intimate areas hurts a lot – with hair regrowth causing itchy skin. Depilatory creams offer temporary results, and the scent often puts people off.
So, is laser hair removal the answer? Well, it hurts a lot less, offers better results and fixes unwanted hair growth.
In our complete guide to Brazilian laser hair removal, we’ll reveal everything you need to know about this convenient and long-term method of getting rid of unwanted hair.
Don’t confuse Brazilian bikini waxing with laser hair removal. Aside from the style, they’re completely different. Bikini waxes are known to be painful, with many women dreading their maintenance sessions, but lasers are relatively pain-free.
Let’s compare Brazilian laser hair removal with waxing and shaving:
As you can see, Brazilian laser hair removal offers the best results and minimal discomfort. Some women dread going to a professional hair removal clinic, but as professionals, we’re here to minimize stress and take the burden of shaving and waxing away.
If you’re new to laser hair removal, the process can be daunting. Knowing how it works and preparing beforehand can help you enjoy a pain-free experience. Here are ten things you should know before the session.
Don’t worry about visiting our clinic! We’re not here to judge you or look at your body—our only job is to remove unwanted hair and give you a stress-free experience.
Whether it’s your first time or moving from waxing to laser hair removal, we’re always happy to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
We ask all clients to shave one or two days before their appointment, as it opens up the hair follicle and helps the laser work correctly. Waxing removes hair follicles, which means the laser won’t be able to target unwanted growth.
Lasers are highly advanced aesthetic treatment options that give lasting results, so it’s natural to believe they might cause pain. However, many people experience a minor stinging effect instead of dealing with the sharp pains from waxing.
Some women don’t feel discomfort, whereas razors can easily cut the skin.
Laser hair removal isn’t a miracle solution; it takes time. Some people visit our clinic expecting immediate results, but it usually takes up to three weeks for the initial effects to appear, and further sessions over 8-12 weeks will provide maximum results.
Avoiding irritants in the weeks before your hair removal appointment ensures a more comfortable experience and prevents pain. We recommend not waxing and avoiding harsh skincare products.
After the appointment, your skin will be sensitive, but fragrance-free soaps and moisturizers can help.
Most hair removal sessions are quick, but it’s best to avoid caffeine if you’re nervous. Being jittery can impact the professional’s ability to target areas with the laser and achieve the best results. Caffeine can also make the skin more sensitive due to dryness.
Hygiene is essential before your appointment and will make you feel better during the day. Remember to avoid using harsh soaps and opt for a gentle cleanser instead. You should also pat your skin with a towel instead of rubbing, as it can make the session more painful.
As mentioned previously, Brazilian hair removal appointments can cause some sensitivity and wearing loose clothes will minimize discomfort. We recommend skirts or jogging bottoms instead of wearing skinny jeans or trousers, as they won’t cause irritation.
That’s right—Brazilian laser hair removal takes just 15-20 minutes per session! It’s one of the quickest treatment options, and scheduling appointments is easy.
Whether you’re using laser hair removal treatments on your lunch break or before you pick the kids up from school, you’ll love the convenience.
In an ideal world, one treatment would remove your hair permanently, but laser hair removal is an ongoing process. Most people need four to eight sessions, which makes the entire treatment duration between 12 and 32 weeks.
After the initial course of laser hair removal, you might need maintenance appointments if you experience hair regrowth.
Having laser hair removal at a professional clinic gives you access to experienced professionals who will guide you through the sessions and ensure you have ongoing support. We ensure our customers can maintain their results and enjoy a speedy recovery.
Here’s what you can expect after your first Brazilian laser hair removal session.
Laser treatments are less painful than waxing and more effective than shaving, but they can still cause mild swelling and discomfort. For most people, these side effects will be minor and subside quickly.
We can also apply numbing creams during the treatment, making it more bearable. After your session, take it easy and avoid activities that could cause irritation.
Lasers work by causing damage to your hair follicles, ensuring they don’t produce as much growth. It will still happen, but many people find their pubic regions easier to maintain and less visible.
Over time, the hairs will grow thinner and lighter instead of coarse dark hairs that are hard to eliminate.
As results begin to happen, you might experience shedding hair – which is good because it means the treatment is working. Some people notice shedding days after their session, but it can take longer for others.
Hairs that shed from laser treatments can resemble small blackheads or stubble, depending on the coarseness of the hair.
Brazilian laser hair removal is a cost-effective way to remove unwanted hair and drastically reduce your maintenance routine. Vitality Laser Clinic uses the latest technologies in hair removal and offers clients the best solutions for their needs.
If you’d like to discuss our treatment options, please feel free to get in touch or book your appointment today.
4204 Morris Drive Victoria, BC V8X 4G8